If you follow the platform engineering trend, you'll have heard people talking about paved paths and golden paths. Let's discuss the critical difference between these two paths in platform engineering.
Explore the Choreography Pattern and discover how it can optimize communication in distributed systems. Learn key concepts, best practices, and real-world scenario.
Agile methodology has become very popular in this digital era. Agile strives to reduce efforts, yet it delivers high-quality features or value in each build.
Learn about how you can adopt agile practices for workforce management; agile scaling frameworks like SAFe, LeSS, DA, Spotify, and S@S; and agile scaling case studies.
A set of a few coincidences can cause a huge failure even in pretty good systems. Real-world examples where failures caused huge losses and even cost a human life.
Learn how to manage technical debt in Scrum to improve code quality. Choose the right strategy to prioritize and fix tech debt and gain a competitive edge.
Prototype models provide a clear roadmap for development, allowing developers to focus on building features that have already been validated in the prototype
It is important to note that verification and validation are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are complementary processes. Find out more in this article.